Sunday, December 7, 2014

Obamacare has another very, very good week

President Barack Obama smiling and holding
Yep, it was another pretty damned good week for Obamacare, if you don't count that whole impending Supreme Court doom part. Here's what we found out this week.
This one is particularly salient for a Supreme Court considering stripping subsidies away from millions of people: the uninsured rate dropped more than 30 percent from September 2013 to September 2014. The Urban Institute has been releasing quarterly data since the implementation of the law, and has found that the uninsured rate for adults under age 64 has been significantly lowered, across genders and races and age groups. But not economic groups—the working poor and the middle class saw the largest drops because of the combination of Medicaid expansion and federal tax credits, or subsidies, for the middle class. In other words, the law is doing exactly what it was intended to do. At least in the Medicaid expansion states.
Thanks in part to some of the Medicare provider reforms and incentives in the law, healthcare spending in the U.S. grew slower in 2013 than it had in 53 years. Half a century. Lowest healthcare spending growth. It's worth repeating that the shrinking of Medicare spending hasalready cut the deficit more than any of the austerity-minded plans that anyone has come up with—Simpson/Bowles, or Paul Ryan, or anyone else.
There's this, too: 50,000 lives saved because hospitals have been made safer. The law included both penalties and incentives for hospitals to reduce readmissions and thus to cut down on the incidence of things like patient falls, poor sanitation practices that increased hospital-based infections, or patients being given the wrong prescriptions. This is all critical in saving lives, but incidentally helped in that whole spending less money on health care part, particularly for Medicare.
now how can any politician who cares about their constituency snatch this out from under American families, even if they engaged in the distortion of truths about it called it a train wreck and my favorite "AN ABOMINATION", i'm still trying to understand how all the above can be an abomination, unless your "PRINCIPLES" formerly known as " VALUES" are in fact to deny it to the people as a revenge attack against a Pres. they don't like because of party association and his skin color and the fact that he snubs their"PRINCIPLES" formerly known as "VALUES" because he knows them to be elephant dung and exclusive of all the above when it comes to "we the people".