Saturday, November 15, 2014

Board appointed by Perry recommends Texas Medicaid expansion

A board of healthcare experts appointed by Gov. Rick Perry (R) and authorized by the state legislature is recommending that the state expand Medicaid under Obamacare, thereby extending coverage to more than 1 million uninsured Texans. The 15-member Texas Institute of Health Care Quality and Efficiency board has recommended that the state's health commissioner be given the authority to negotiate with the federal government on an expansion scheme.
"We're trying to look at actions whereby more Texans can be covered," said board chair Steve Berkowitz, the president and founder of SMB Health Consulting. "We're trying to take the politics out of it." […] Members […] said Wednesday that Texas' rate of uninsured was "unacceptable," and that state leaders should look for an alternative way to expand health coverage. The board's recommendations are not binding and any such decision is up to the Legislature.
"We should be maximizing available federal funds through the Medicaid program to improve health care for all Texans," said Joel Allison, a board member who is chief executive of the Baylor Scott & White Health System..
when I saw this my first thought was Perry must have been advised to quit following the herd and give the people health care especially since the new house has been harping on dismantling it, taking that into consideration is this a temp faux effort to get brownie points knowing his cohorts will start the repealing in Jan. and why now when the party of no is screaming it even louder drunk with power?  now this next paragraph kinda supports that temp thing check it out,

Taking the politics out of it, in Texas of all places, is a nice thought but largely a pipe dream. The legislature passed a bill last year that ultimately puts the decision in their hands. Any agreement that the health commissioner might reach with the federal government would have to be approved by the legislature. That way they can make sure the state's 1 million people in the Medicaid gap don't have anything to be thankful to government for.

that my friends gives Perry deniability when the lawmakers shoot it down he can say "I tried".  they think they are slick but frankly the need another greasing.  peculiar he would go against party agenda, they say elephants don't forget, actually they do all the time look at the things they were for before the were against it and treat it like it's a brand new idea.