Wednesday, October 22, 2014

RNC says Wisconsin voters are stupid ... then asks them to vote for Scott Walker

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker speaks at CPAC 2013.

Speaking at a Republican Party field office in Waukesha, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee talked up the closeness of the governor's race and the need to get Walker supporters to the polls.
Sharon Day, the co-chair, told the audience, "It's not going to be an easy election, it's a close election. Like I said, much closer than I can even understand why.
"I don't want to say anything about your Wisconsin voters but, some of them might not be as sharp as a knife."

Just a hint for the RNC, you might not want to let your contempt for the average voter show like that. On the other hand, there's plenty of evidence that Republicans in Wisconsin are masochists given who they've elected. So maybe that's the kind of motivation that works for them.

this isn't new this has been the republican MO at least since the Nixon years, look at the garbage they expect voter to swallow, look back at the many things said and done how can you say those cheering are the sharpest knife in the store all stores, after all they are cheering on their own demise at the hands of those they are showing so much love for, some kind of weird masochistic urge in republicans.
 they are encouraged to continue their usury of their base because they keep coming back for more looking forward to the trip. party of stupid in more ways then one.