Thursday, October 23, 2014

One of the Best Statements of White Privilege and Entitlement That I Have Ever Read...

Sometimes you have to laugh and smile and shake your head all at the same time.
In a previous post, I pointed out the hypocrisy surrounding how racism and white privilege influence the ways that the media frames news events as highlighted by the "Pumpkin fest" riot in Keene, New Hampshire.
As we all know, it is only black people who "riot"...white folks are just overly enthusiastic partiers who are easily seduced by the call to obnoxious revelry.
In CNN's story about the Keene Pumpkin fest riots, a white student was interviewed about their experience in the pumpkin white privilege mayhem.
Steven French, 18, who was visiting from Haverhill, Massachusetts, described the chaotic scene to the local paper, The Keene Sentinel, as "wicked." "It's just like a rush. You're revolting from the cops," he told the paper Saturday night. "It's a blast to do things that you're not supposed to do."
Privilege consists of taken for granted assumptions about one's life opportunities and chances. Fish likely do not think much about water while they are in it; white folks do not likely think much about white privilege unless their unearned advantages are perceived as being threatened or challenged.

that my friends is the best descriptive paragraph on the subject i've ever read.   I feel that simplicity is the fastest way to a solution but often the road less traveled, why do we make things so hard when the simple truth would have advanced us by hundreds of years, time to look around the pond things need to be filtered out. 

if we can't look and determine honestly we are just shifting our eyes in that direction much like we pan the sky for clouds but we do nothing about it we see them and decide we can't do anything and walk away with that same thought throughout life, if you don't try to do something just because it looks impossible, take a stroll through your house and throw out those things that were once perceived as impossible.