Monday, September 8, 2014

Will we be conned into war again?

i want to say up front the title itself is misleading and can influence the way some interpret what they read.  we all know Bush/Cheyney did in fact con us into the 911 wars of choice, which the title IMO implies that could happen again by this Pres. and admin, Pres. has not and will not con us he cares about us.  republicans they cared about the oil in IRAQ, Rachel Maddow did a very good piece on that con game called "WHY WE DID IT" must see click the link below please.

Doesn't feel right now like 2002 and 2003 all over again? The drumbeat to war is in full vogue, with the traditional media using the same discredited cabal to bolster the case for war. Except for a surprising blip on Fox News where Megyn Kelly seemed to challenge neocons John Bolton and Andrew C McCarthy,  the traditional media, true to form, is touting the military industrial complex’s narrative.
America must resist being conned into another war or irresponsible military action. Ask yourself a question: How can 10,000 or so soldiers in pickup trucks with guns welded on flatbeds, along with a few captured American tanks, be a threat to the world order? How would they function to sustain those they oppress without an eventual internal revolt? A contained ISIS can wreak havoc in its immediate vicinity but will die the way epidemics burn themselves out. It will take longer if those in the vicinity capable of resisting the threat do not immediately resist.
ISIS is playing to a West that is fearful of a vicious violence, beheadings, and mass executions many have never seen before. ISIS displays these propaganda videos as members threaten attacks on the West, America, and beyond. ISIS has become its own media, using social media as a weapon of fear and and as a method to get the West to engage. It needs the West to engage in order to put out the false narrative of a West predisposed to kill Muslims, providing an existential need for ISIS.
The military-industrial complex and its puppets in the media and Congress play into the game. After all, it is a gain for them both. The military-industrial complex profits from the bombs, military hardware, and service provided. Congress helps by keeping Americans in a state of fear, paralyzed and taking their eyes off the ball, no longer focused on a plutocracy extracting their wealth and squandering their economic future.
Americans must wise up and make it absolutely clear to President Obama and Congress that ISIS is not an existential threat to this country. Instead of spending billions over there, spend it over here. Improve our security. Rebuild our infrastructure. Invest in America's human capital.
Those who believe this is naive should remember one thing: It doesn't matter how many terrorists we kill over there. We cannot kill them all. And any number, irrespective of a war over there, can hurt us over here.
there has been nothing but put downs of Pres. because he is intelligent enough to know we cannot forget the past less we repeat it.  right wing is saying the usual stuff from 2008 while trying to goad him into their desire for a very profitable war for them and death and maiming and broken families for the rest of us.  Americans are too fickle and gullible those with an ounce of sense seem to fall into the fear tactics promoted by the republicans.  please explain why he has a 54 % disapproval of not being tough enough that is more than the republican party and more than half the people that voted for him so we know it's not just right wing dissidents.
i think he said he didn't have a strategy because had he republicans would have twisted and spun it out of context and sending a message is ISIS  of what we plan to do giving them a heads up to prepare they know that they harped on it when Pres. announced we were leaving Afghanistan this year talking about they'll know we are leaving so they'll wait until then and come back, so that leaves me to think they want like they promised to destroy and make him fail and they don't care how many of us it cost.