Monday, September 8, 2014

Guardian Reports Damning New Facts Re: White Cop's Murder of Black Wal-Mart Shopper Crawford

Sunday’s Guardian story on the Beavercreek, Ohio police murder killing of 22-year-old Wal-Mart shopper John Crawford, on August 5th, brings to light new facts about the case which should make any reader’s blood curdle.
Here’s the excerpt of the opening of the story…
Doubts cast on witness's account of black man killed by police in Walmart
Alleged to have threatened customers, John Crawford, 22, was having a phone conversation while holding an unloaded BB gun
Jon Swaine in New York
Sunday 7 September 2014 10.37 EDT
When Ronald Ritchie called 911 from the aisles of a Walmart in western Ohio last month to report that a black man was “walking around with a gun in the store”, he said that shoppers were coming under direct threat.
“He’s, like, pointing it at people,” Ritchie told the dispatcher. Later that evening, after John Crawford III had been shot dead by one of the police officers who hurried to the scene in Beavercreek, Ritchie repeated to reporters: “He was pointing at people. Children walking by.”
One month later, Ritchie puts it differently. “At no point did he shoulder the rifle and point it at somebody,” the 24-year-old said, in an interview with the Guardian. He maintained that Crawford was “waving it around”, which attorneys for Crawford’s family deny.
Ritchie told several reporters after the 5 August shooting that he was an “ex-marine”. When confronted with his seven-week service record, however, he confirmed that he had been quickly thrown out of the US marine corps in 2008 after being declared a “fraudulent enlistment”, over what he maintains was simply a mixup over his paperwork….
okay i guess i got an answer to a previous question in another post "how would Blacks be treated if walked around with guns in stores or public places? answer they get killed this is an open carry state but looks like only for Whites.  this guy died first by a report that was exaggerated as he was not pointing it at anyone  and than over reacting cops and np pne observed this was not a real gun?  another thing does that store keep kids BB guns in same place as real guns if not why wasn't that noticed?

And, here are just a few of the additional/primary pieces of information about the case covered later on in the story…
• After everything was said and done, “Crawford, 22, turned out to be holding an unloaded BB air rifle that he had picked up from a store shelf. After Ritchie said Crawford appeared to be ‘trying to load’ the gun, the 911 dispatcher relayed to an officer that it was believed the gunman ‘just put some bullets inside’…”
• Crawfords’ attorneys informed the Guardian that autopsy findings concluded Crawford was shot“in the back of his left arm and in his left side, supporting their claim that he was turned away from the police officer who shot him.”
i find it awfully suspicious that the cop rushes in and shoots to kill not being able to see if there was anything in his hands, seems like now a days all they need to know is he's Black kill him and the fact that he's Black will cover everything else.  sad time they talk about taking the country back hell the country never went anywhere today's killings can be seen as almost identical in execution and excuse asw those back in the days when like today you can kill a Black man and walk away, now they are just inconvenienced by investigations and trials but end result so far pretty much the same.
remember the cop beating that Black woman on the side of the highway unconcerned that passerby's saw and taped.

• After everything was said and done, “Crawford, 22, turned out to be holding an unloaded BB air rifle that he had picked up from a store shelf. After Ritchie said Crawford appeared to be ‘trying to load’ the gun, the 911 dispatcher relayed to an officer that it was believed the gunman ‘just put some bullets inside’…”
• Crawfords’ attorneys informed the Guardian that autopsy findings concluded Crawford was shot“in the back of his left arm and in his left side, supporting their claim that he was turned away from the police officer who shot him.”
• Crawford’s family has “pleaded” with Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine to release the store’s surveillance video of the shooting to the public. For all intents and purposes, it fully underminesstatements made by 911 caller Ronald Richie, who, according to the story, made the only call to the police about “the incident.” And, while DeWine is quoted stating that releasing the tape to the public “would be ‘playing with dynamite,’” someone from DeWine's office let Ritchie review the recording (apparently, to get his fabulist story “straight”)!
• Crawford’s family has “pleaded” with Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine to release the store’s surveillance video of the shooting to the public. For all intents and purposes, it fully underminesstatements made by 911 caller Ronald Richie, who, according to the story, made the only call to the police about “the incident.” And, while DeWine is quoted stating that releasing the tape to the public “would be ‘playing with dynamite,’” someone from DeWine's office let Ritchie review the recording (apparently, to get his fabulist story “straight”)!
that last sentence you could say came straight out of Ferguson and almost any cop killing of Black man  make it all his fault the shooter was acting reasonably if you believe in racial profiling and stereotyping.