Monday, September 1, 2014

White man jaywalks with gun...guess what happens?

I saw a white man with a gun.
I heard a policeman saying, "Place the weapon down on the ground, please. ... are crossing the street illegally ... I need you to put the gun down before I talk to you. ... You have committed a crime ... you are jaywalking. ... I don't want to shoot you, I'm not here to do that. ... Why are you so angry. ... Why are you cursing at me?"
Watching the whole incident all I could think of were those dead (unarmed) black men and boys who never had the opportunity to be "talked down," called "sir," and were murdered by police.  
Or they were leaning on a toy gun in Walmart. Like John Crawford III.
today to see a White man with a gun or several White men with guns and bandoliers is common place in red states, when you read the paper or watch the news and they are in Toys R Us while you shop for your kids birthday or in McDonalds parking lot as you pull up with your kids for a happy meal does the happy fade and fear take it's place?  those who feel the need to exhibit their arsenal did you see them in these places before unarmed?
I wanted to find out what happened to this white man who defied police, made obscene gestures at them and who cursed them out.
The man, Joseph Houseman, is a gun rights advocate. He got his 15 minutes (more like 40 or 50) of fame and walked.  
In the Department of Public Safety's decision not to pursue charges, Webster said later that even though Houseman did not have the rifle in a sling and was  "fidgeting" with it, it was not evident that he was "brandishing" it.
they tell us there is no White privilege the police are suppose to protect and serve, the courts say over their doors justice for all should someone take a chisel to those engravings, or are we to continue to take it because it's written in stone?  to quote Rev. Al, "lot's of things were acceptable, until we stopped accepting them",  are we who we've been waiting for and if so why are we to afraid to stand and deliver eviction notices to those who oppose?

This news got covered as a "gun rights" story.
From my perspective it's a "white rights" story.  
Does anyone honestly believe a black man, or teen, or boy would have walked away from this alive?

no he wouldn't even if the sun was shining and the entire city watched as 20 officers would unload their multi load clips are they that afraid they might live or just afraid why else would you feel like you had to extinguish each and everyone you deem as violating their law with no regard to the fact they are violating real law and right to life, police, republicans most are cut from the same cloth.

and they do these things under the eyes of God, while claiming their devotion and belief and Christianism, roll on hell ain't half full, yet.

he was carrying a rifle