A week ago, Village Vet wrote a diary about a group of vigilantes who, pissed off at so many children crossing the border, decided to do something about it. Their plan: Arm themselves to their teeth, drive down to the border in Starr County, Texas and harass the border patrol by blocking traffic an several border crossings with their own vehicles. Basically shut down the border.
Plucky lads and lassies!
The local politicians, Texas Department of Public Safety, and Customs and Border Protection all met to decide on what to do about this. The group have the right to express their opinion, but the safety of others was a concern. Nonetheless, the officials decided that Border Patrol along with the National Guard, DPS and local law enforcement should be able to handle the situation.
Hundreds of armed fools blocking traffic and forcing a closure of the borders...not a problem. Nope. What could possibly go wrong?
According to Village Vet's diary, the group was un-named and un-numbered. But let's assume a rough hundred. I mean if you plan on making a big enough nuisance of yourselves to actually shut down several border crossings, you're gonna need more than 20 people. More like over 60. Right?
Okay, so everybody's gung ho to go. The trucks are gassed up, The guns are lovingly cleaned and polished. The ammo's stocked. The beer and Doritos are ready for the coolers.
But wait...
It seems that the Mexican Cartels are not happy with these yahoos' plans. Ooooo.
According to events organizer, Stasyi(huh?) Barth, the Cartel has threatened the group. One of the group was followed into Walmart (of course Walmart, where else would these twits shop), followed on the freeway, and approached at his hotel. hehheh.
And apparently:
The cartel has people at every port listed..waiting for us, so I was told.”
The event was quickly canceled....they chickened out!
Come the day of the event, only 5 lonely men showed up. Ron Cupp, the leader of the group tries to cover up their failure by saying they had changed the operation from closing up the ports to seeing how many law enforcement they can tie up watching them
looks as though law enforcement is not only supporting vigilantism but are looking the other way with a verbal wrist slap, catholic school nuns hit harder than that for talking in class. the Bundy mercenaries with pictures of snipers aiming at federal agents saying they are prepared to kill them they went home too. they fear drug cartels more than federal gov't might how crazy is that? could be they trust the gov't not to be them?Federal and local law enforcement was tied up for hours at the scene. A Department of Public Safety (DPS) helicopter that was assigned to Operation Strong Safety, Texas DPS personnel, and dozens of Pharr employees spent over two hours ensuring the safety of everyone present.Local officials told Breitbart Texas that they had advised the protesting individuals that if they block the road they will be arrested for a Class B misdemeanor.