Rick Perry's glasses do not make him smarter. They don't make him any less of an asshole, either.
At an event on Sunday, the Texas governor insinuated that [Joan Rivers'] death could have been averted if New York had stricter regulations on clinics. Last fall, Perry signed an omnibus anti-abortion law that includes a provision requiring abortion clinics to bring their building codes in line with ambulatory surgical centers.It's a curious thought in that if you hear about the death of a public figure and immediately wonder how you can use it as anti-abortion rhetoric your mind works curiously, but ya know something? Ick. Just ick.“Clearly, the will of the Texas Legislature — which I agree with — that it is a state’s right to put particular types of considerations into place, to put rules and regulations into place, to make a clinic be as safe as a hospital,” Perry said. “It was interesting that, when Joan Rivers, and the procedure that she had done where she died, that was a clinic. It’s a curious thought that if they had had that type of regulations in place, whether or not that individual would be still alive.”
Something that was mostly overlooked in Rick Perry's last presidential run is that, much like Chris Christie, Rick Perry is just a fantastically unpleasant person. No, Joan Rivers dying has nothing to do with your freakin' obsession with making every last woman in Texas follow your own personal religious tests or flee your state, you classless boob.
they say everything is bigger in Texas wonder if that carry's over to the bliss of Perry he would have come off better had he just said he couldn't remember but instead he's seen as insensitive dunder headed chauvinist, bigot, racist bet he couldn't repeat that list of deficiencies.
did he ever change the name on that rock at the entrance to his ranch?