Thursday, September 18, 2014

Utah authorities have changed their story to explain why suspect was shot in back

The family of Darrien Hunt wanted to know why their son was shot and killed in front of a Panda Express this past Wednesday:
After several days of silence Tim Taylor, the chief deputy attorney for Utah county, said in a statement on Saturday: “When the officers made contact with Mr Hunt, he brandished the sword and lunged toward the officers with the sword, at which time Mr Hunt was shot.”
[bold my emphasis]
That wasn't good enough for the family of Darrien Hunt. More specifically, it was incongruous with autopsy evidence the family had had done on their dead son. The family's attorney, Randall Edwards explained:
[T]he family’s private autopsy had found Hunt was shot six times from behind. He was hit once in a shoulder, once in the back, once in an elbow, twice in a leg and once in a hand, according to the attorney.
“The shot that killed Darrien, which was straight in the back, did not have an exit wound,” Edwards told the Guardian. “It raises the question as to how you can lunge at someone and be shot in the back at the same time.” Edwards declined to identify the pathologist who had carried out the autopsy, citing a desire to protect him from media attention.
 Right wing racists tried to point to the secrecy with which the family's attorney was protecting the identity of the pathologist, as an admission of the family's deception. No mention by racists concerning the troublesome amount of time the police took to make a statement. No mention that the police had yet to identify the police officers involved. Well, whether that autopsy was real or not, it seems that Darrien Hunt was indeed shot repeatedly in the back. How could this happen while he was lunging at these poor frightened men with guns?

you know the fact that these cops on the killing sprees across America don't seem to be very intelligent why do they take days to  come up with the most implausible excuses for the killing one could imagine. all the last few shootings were not possible at the time of the murders like this one "he lunged" but was shot in the back, Brown "charging" but was shot in the top of the head, others handcuffed but still a threat.

Joan Walsh's book title keeps coming to mind "WHAT'S WRONG WITH WHITE PEOPLE"?