Thursday, September 18, 2014

Saudis Lobbied John McCain & Lindsey Graham to sell War.

Bin Laden said he intentionally goaded America in to a war in the middle east to "bleed America to the point of bankruptcy." Well, as it turns out, ISIL and Saudi Arabia are trying to goad America into another war in the middle east and they've enlisted John McCain and Lindsey Graham to sell us that war.
An August 2013 the Wall Street Journal reports that Saudi Arabia's Foreign Policy includes overthrowing Syrian government, which is Shiite, to put in place their own Sunni government so they, Saudis, can ultimately control Damascus.
The Saudi plan is to steadily strengthen carefully selected groups of rebel fighters not in the radical Islamist camp, with the goal of someday seeing them in control in Damascus.
That's a hefty goal the Saudis have -- control Damascus.  And they want 'who' to fight for 'their'goal to control Damascus?  You guessed it, none other than the U.S. Military.

The WSJ go on to write:
The Saudi Ambassador, Adel al-Jubeir, has long been courting members of Congress who could pressure the [Obama] Administration to get more involved in Syria. Hefound early support from Republican Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.
 Saudi Prince Bandar was working hard to build support to topple Assad.
Prince Bandar has largely stayed out of Washington but held meetings with U.S. officials in the region. One was in September 2012. Sens. McCain and Graham, who were in Istanbul, met him in an opulent hotel suite on the banks of the Bosporus.
In January, 2014, Senator John McCain praised Prince Bandar on CNN
JOHN McCAIN: “Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar,
makes sense McCain has been running around talking about arming  the Syrians and slamming PRES. for not doing so from day one. lobbyist are payed big time so were McCain and Graham compensated for their efforts both saber waving and beating the drums of war in the face of Americans not wanting to get involved and criticizing PRES. for not going to war in Syria and blaming him for ISIS and mid east turmoil when according to McCain all he had to do was leave troops in Iraq against their will and start a war in Syria.

think for a minute PRES. didn't start theses wars or create the existence of those rebel forces that was in a previous admin, that said if McCain and Palin were in charge given all their condemnation of Pres. not being a war monger like them where would we be today?  now vote your concious Nov. 4th