Saturday, September 13, 2014

Senate Republicans defend billionaires by keeping Citizens United alive

By a straight party-line vote of 54-42, the U.S. Senate defeated a constitutional amendment today that would have overruled the awful Citizens United decision.
All five Senate Democrats whose support was unknown ended up voting “yes,” whereas even Republican Susan Collins voted “no.”
This was one of the last votes the Senate will take before they adjourn for the election season—where the Koch brothers will pour millions of dollars into attack ads to fool voters.
In other words, the fact that every Democrat sided with the people—and every Republican sided with the rich and powerful—will make this a potent campaign issue in November.
Senators Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Kay Hagan (D-NC), Mark Pryor (D-AR) and Mark Begich (D-AK) all voted to take back our democracy: now they will be on the receiving end of attack ads made possible by Citizens United.
Mitch McConnell led the fight to defeat this amendment, and now he’ll have to answer the Kentucky voters, while he gets a little help from his billionaire friends.

we've heard in past election cycles how Dems and Pres. have out raised the republicans by large amounts they need to keep the the law so as to continue their auction of American politics.  deep pocket donors will spend untold amounts because what they reap will be much much more than they spend after all buying a government is just business as usual they expect better returns and granting of their needs to do business you know like polluting, contaminating, unsafe work place low wages and no taxes.  they will not donate unless they think they will profit.