Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Right-Wing Media Cherry-Pick Labor Dept. Emails To Create "Bombshell" White House "Cover-Up"

 A letter sent last year to Solis by the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, an independent agency that investigates allegations of administrative violations of fundraising rules by federal officials, said it began an inquiry after receiving a complaint that Solis had solicited a donation from a Labor Department employee.
The January 2013 letter, which was reviewed by The Times, noted that Solis had resigned from her federal position earlier that month. As a result, the office said it was closing its inquiry into possible violations of the Hatch Act, which prohibits certain political activities by federal workers and imposes administrative penalties. The letter said the administrative inquiry could be reopened if Solis takes an executive branch job in the federal government. [Los Angeles Times5/9/14]

Right-Wing Media: Newly Released Emails Show White House Tried To Cover Up Solis' Schedule During Federal Inquiry

Fox News Claims "Bombshell" New Emails Are Proof Of White House "Cover-Up." On the September 15 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, co-host Ainsley Earhardt claimed that newly obtained emails show that the White House and Department of Labor were conspiring to hide former Labor Secretary Solis' schedule from a conservative group:
EARHARDT: Newly released bombshell emails catching the White House in the middle of a cover-up. The email chain obtained by research firm Cause of Action shows the Department of Labor and the White House trying to hide former Labor Secretary Hilda Solis' schedule. Solis had been battling an FBI investigation at the time for illegallyfundraising for President Obama. When portions of Solis' schedule were summoned, the White House thanked the Labor Department for flagging the request. The chain ends with the White House asking, "I should have asked in my earlier email, can you send me who the requester was?" The Labor Department replying, "Americans for Limited Government" --yes, a conservative group. [Fox News, Fox & Friends9/15/14]

Reality: Emails Reveal White House Expressed 'No Concerns' About Releasing Solis' Schedule

Final Email From White House Says There Are No "Comments Or Concerns." In the complete email chain, White House counsel Lamar Baker responded to the request for information from Solis' schedule by stating that the White House had no comments or concerns regarding its release:
GREENFIELD: The entry is from April 7, 2009, and reads as follows:
Lunch-Cecilia Munoz (Secys Dining Room)
BAKER: Sorry, just one follow-up I should have asked in my earlier email: can you remind me who the requester was?
GREENFIELD: Americans for Limited Government.
BAKER: Hi -- no comments or concerns here regarding the planned release of the 4/7/09 "Lunch- Cecilia Munoz (Secys Dining Room)" entry. Thanks for flagging, and please keep me posted if there is any follow up. [CauseOfAction.org, accessed 9/15/14]
if you buy into right wing media accusations of this admin you have been concentrated on and compromised this is election time the misinformation will start coming hot and heavy and misleading. can you remember any republican accusation that has not been rebuked? recognize