Monday, September 15, 2014

Police Repeatedly Shoot Black Utah Man In The Back For Carrying A Samurai Sword He Just Bought


If a white redneck walked around carrying an assault rifle, do you think police would have opened fire? Because that’s what they did after they stopped an African-American man in Utah. And what was he carrying? A samurai sword that he had just purchased.
That’s right, Utah police shot and killed a black man because he was carrying a sword, and that’s apparently way more threatening than a white man carrying an AR-15.
22-year-old Darrien Hunt bought the sword as a souvenir from an Asian gift shop. Cops spotted him carrying the 3-foot long rounded-edge sword outside a restaurant in Saratoga Springs, Utah last Wednesday. And of course, they assumed Hunt was up to no good and confronted him. After a conversation with police, Hunt turned to leave. That’s when officers gunned him down.
The police claimed in a statement about the killing that “he brandished the sword and lunged toward the officers with the sword, at which time Mr. Hunt was shot. There is currently no indication that race played any role in the confrontation between Mr. Hunt and the police officers.”
But witness statements refute the story told by police and now, an autopsy proves that the cops are lying.
An independent autopsy requested by Hunt’s family found that the young man had been shot repeatedly in the back, which is completely inconsistent with what police claim.
“This is consistent with statements made by witnesses on the scene, who report that Darrien was shot to death while running away from police,” said family attorney Randall Edwards. “It would appear difficult, if not impossible, to reconcile these facts with a story that Darrien was lunging toward the officers when he was shot.”
Once again, police have been caught red-handed killing a black person for no reason and then lying about the circumstances of the shooting. However, the question remains whether or not these officers will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. This is not an incident where police used deadly force to protect themselves and the public. This is murder, pure and simple, and the killers shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it, even if they are wearing badges.

thinking they can use the same excuse state to state for murdering Black men is insane, I wrote awhile back about it being open season on Black Americans I know right wingers laughed called me a race baiter but looks like I was exactly wrong.  is it arrogance to commit these homicides in public and tell a bald faced lie as to what happened and those witnessing all tell a different forensically proven version? 

are each event where there is no arrest or charges embolden the next potential homicidal cop?  why does it always require an independent autopsy to reveal the truth are entire enforcement entities protecting one another and how many murders have they covered up the last 200 years and how many killer cops walk our streets or are living high on the hog with retirement plans or honorably buried and how many potential ones are in the police academies?