Monday, September 15, 2014

Missouri Teachers Are Now Allowed to Carry Guns at School
Publication: Tulsa World
Hey, Missouri students — your teachers may be allowed to pack heat now.
A bill greatly expanding gun rights in the Show Me State passed the legislature yesterday, overriding Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon's veto. In addition to letting school districts arm teachers, the bill allows those with concealed weapon permits to openly carry their guns, prevents local governments from enforcing open-carry restrictions, lowers the age to obtain a concealed weapons permit from 21 to 19 and makes it illegal for police to disarm people unless they're placed under arrest.
recent child gun tragedies gone wild, and NRA right wing coming out like roaches in the dark, arming teachers, lowering age to get a permit, pretty soon these insane SOB's will lobby for conceal rights for fetuses.  I'm sure those wannabe enthusiast of future mass murderers or victims are all giddy with the aspect of being able to walk around strapped.  schools have enough fights at 3pm or other push and shoves, imagine how much that would decrease now that they can just pull out cap your azz and be through with it no muss no fuss, you stood your ground.

there was a reason the old west Dodge city where guns were banned in town read a freakin book.

Missouri is the 10th state to pass a law allowing school employees to carry guns since the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012. The legislation requires the state Department of Public Safety to create training guidelines for schools that want to designate an employee as a "school protection officer," according to the Associated Press.
Some training might be necessary, given a few of the accidents that have transpired in other states.

all the training in the world does not prepare you for the real confrontation and the reality that they can shoot back.  this is your right wing disregarding your kids and your security to appease gun manufacturers and NRA all getting rich off your impending tragedy.  recognize