Friday, September 5, 2014

Judge sets back Republican Jon Husted by barring cuts in early voting in Ohio

Nina Turner, 2014 Democratic candidate for Ohio SoS.

Federal District Judge Peter C. Economus ruled Thursday that Ohio cannot eliminate or restrict early voting on the three days before all future elections. Plaintiffs in the case of Ohio State Conference of the NAACP v. Husted included the NAACP, the League of Women Voters of Ohio and several African-American churches.
The ruling was another setback for Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted whose voter suppression actions have been ongoing since he stepped into office in 2011. Alan Johnson reports:
Democrats, who benefit from weekend voting because supporters tend to come to polls in greater numbers on those days, were overjoyed at the ruling. Republicans, meanwhile, were uniformly silent, with the exception of Husted, who issued a statement praising the decision as a victory for “uniformity and equality” in voting hours
In a statement, Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said the decision “isn’t just a victory for the Democratic Party, it’s a victory for the democratic process.” She said 96,000 Ohioans cast ballots during the final three days of early voting four years ago.

The American Civil Liberties Union, which filed the suit for the plaintiffs, also called the ruling a "huge victory for Ohio voters and for all those who believe in protecting the integrity of our elections."
this is good now if they can remove the gerrymander lines they'll really be looking for something short of a miracle don't think God would reward those who wrap themselves in the words that change them and act in a ungodly fashion so they can make a deal with Beelzebub and wish in one hand and crap in the other and wait to see which one stinks first.  stay tuned for the name calling and besmirching of the ACLU, NACCP and of course Debbie Wasserman Shultz, last but in no way least Sen Nina Turner D Ohio she is the Black women at the podium has been at the forefront of restoring what republicans tried to take your right to vote when you want. but that won't show anything but more racist attitude they can't run away from what is their nature it comes with the package.