Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Girl Beat Up On Playground: Kindergarten Student Viciously Attacked, Sustains Severe Injuries Read more at

As photos clearly show, Avalynn has a number of contusions on her eyes and to the right-side of her face. She has excessive swelling that prevents her right eye from opening. The top of her lip is swollen as well.

This is what the Facebook page reads:
“AvaLynn informed Lacey that she was assaulted by another student: that she was kicked repeatedly in the face until she fell off of the slide on the school’s playground. The school informed Lacey were no teachers present when the incident occurred, and because of that, no one could prove whether or not another student had harmed Ava.”
Harris also wrote:
“There is a need for repeat CT scans, specialist visits to an ENT, ophthalmologist and quite possible orthopedics for her little face.”

The Pascagoula School District issued this statement about the incident:
“A student was injured while playing on the playground at Arlington Elementary School Tuesday afternoon.School officials responded to the situation. The parent was contacted and the student received medical treatment. No other children were involved in the incident. The Pascagoula School District remains committed to the safety of all its students.”
not exactly what the first story reported which was there was no authoritative adult present ad that her injuries were obtained from falling on the ground, most of us have fallen on the playground when little it leaves abrasions scraping of skin there are only impact marks, if you were to except that excuse than she would have had to fall only on her face with greater impact at her eyes which IMO would have to have her literally on her face with no other part touching the ground, not even a knee or hand scrape reported.

this sounds like other attacks on people that the events as reported by those in charge do not correspond with the end result of injury or death,  will this start a trend of kindergartner's becoming the new prominent bullies?  sounds like there was a problem with her being on the slide and the only way the other kid could rectify it was through extreme violence, where did they learn that? 

this is another incident that should be overseen by federal law enforcement given the blatant misleading as to how she ended up looking like the picture shows.

Girl Beat Up On Playground