Thursday, September 4, 2014

DOJ to Investigate Entire Ferguson PD for Pattern of Civil Rights Violations

Michael Brown Cnn VersionImage result for ferguson pd pictures

On Thursday, the Department of Justice plans to announce it will conduct a civil rights investigation of the Ferguson Police Department. NBC’s  justice reporter, Pete Williams broke the story, noting the DOJ, with help from the FBI is already investigating the department’s conduct in the shooting death 18-year-old Michael Brown.  They are also investigating events related to the protests that followed. During those protests, the police arrested journalists, a Holocaust survivor and others for such infractions as moving too slowly, standing or not being in a designated free speech zone.  There were reports that the police threw tear gas at people who were on their own property.  Who can forget the images of Ferguson police officers involved in crowd control, armed as if they were at war in Iraq?
Williams reports the investigation, to be announced on Thursday, is far broader because it will look at the entire department’s conduct over the past seven years.

CHANGE GONNA COME, this is what is needed with all controversial killings of any race, we don't need a czar just add some people to DOJ and create a task force time for justice and time for current systems leaving just us.  Rev. Al, "lots of things were acceptable until we stopped accepting them",  it's time to stop, "we are that change we've been waiting for" as Pres. so aptly put it as well as "yes we can" all of us not a select few protect your own to make sure it get's protected.