Friday, September 19, 2014

Can Moral Mondays Save America? (Pay Attention Teabaggers - This Is Where You Suck)

The movement started in April 2013, with a few folks protesting, and has grown to tens of thousands. I attended my first Moral Monday in Raleigh, this past summer, and was astonished. I saw crowds of everyday people peacefully coming together in a rare, massive, and diverse state of solidarity. They carried signs of hope, they demanded change, and they believe in the basic good of this country.
Among the crowds, I saw black, brown, white, Asian, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Atheist. There were Native Americans, Hispanics, LGBT, Liberals, Independents, Democrats and yes, even Republicans. These are the people of America. Also there were the young, the old, the rich, the poor, the homeless, the working, the unemployed, the politicians, the veterans … and they were dressed in everything from blue jeans and business suits to clergy robes and rainbow mohawks.
I loved it. I loved every moment I was there, from walking up to the event hearing Reverend Barber over the loud speakers, to walking through the General Assembly building not knowing who would be arrested, to walking outside the building and back to my car with the feeling of “I did something. I said something. I stood up for something.”
We gathered in celebration of our similarities rather than our differences, to object the corruption and obstruction taking place in North Carolina, and around the country.
We gathered together peacefully to promote voting by encouraging each other to help others register/vote this November for the Midterm Elections with the same eagerness and enthusiasm we had in 2008 and 2012 for the  presidential elections.
We gathered together determined to fight for the rights of teachers, children, women, lgbt, minorities, the poor, veterans, the working class...
We gathered together to demand equal pay, healthcare, gun sense, increased minimum wage, decreased student debt, climate control, and a separation between church and state.
And we gathered together to oppose corporate Koch-like bribery and profiteering in politics, racist voting restrictions, misogynistic abortion restrictions, low teacher pay, pseudo religious hate mongering… and Republican politicians, like Governor Pat McCrory, Senator Thom Tillis, and NC Budget Director Art Pope, who dominate North Carolina’s House, Senate, State Supreme Court and Governor’s office with extremely far-right insidious policies and agendas. It seems they have made a real mess of things since they took control in 2010. And North Carolinians are very pissed. (They reflect most of America.)
this is what can be when we show up, stand up and get counted.  we are the majority even in suppression we still are a force to be reckoned with and they know it, that's why all the cheating and skulduggery they know they are in a minority of haters so they use their position to put their thumb on our backs to hold us down but we are bigger than their thumbs our ideology is more because it is all inclusive not all excluded.  believe it this mid term is the deciding factor to 2016 and on we must show them we are not who they have labeled us as and we will be there because we care.