Originally posted at Eclectablog.

On the heels of Microsoft, and then Google, leaving the American Legislative Exchange Council, a Facebook spokesperson now says that they will leave the corporatist front group in 2015, as well:
and another one bites the dust, note here my friends this is an example of the power we hold but have yet to wield these are all big businesses that depend on our patronage thye republican party and right wing do not and cannot sustain these companies in the black only we can do that. sometimes making some noise is being silent and absent from their consumer lists. recognize we aere the change we've been waiting for well we're here let's go to work!Google’s departure, “really puts Facebook and Yahoo in an uncomfortable position,” said Jay Riestenberg, a research analyst with Common Cause who follows ALEC.Facebook may be next out the ALEC door, a company spokesperson told The Chronicle on Tuesday.“We re-evaluate our memberships on an annual basis and are in that process now,” a company representative wrote in an e-mail to the newspaper. “While we have tried to work within ALEC to bring that organization closer to our view on some key issues, it seems unlikely that we will make sufficient progress so we are not likely to renew our membership in 2015.”