Thursday, August 28, 2014

O'Reilly: Welfare Culture, White Condescension, Gangster Rappers, And Beyoncé Have Harmed Black
O'REILLY: I agree that the welfare culture and the pandering and the condescension by the white establishment to poor blacks has harmed them economically. But it's more than that. You remember Motown. Do you not? Wasn't that a fabulous, fabulous music industry, uplifting? You remember Jackie Robinson and Willie Mays. Weren't they fabulous athletes -- I idolized Willie Mays. And what do we have now? What do we have now? Gangster rappers, you know,  Beyoncé. The most famous, you know, doing these videos that show these kinds of things to young, 9, 10, 11-year-old girls? I mean -- and it's celebrated. It's celebrated. You know, that's the big change. 

White condescension their only contribution to the Black plight?  we also know he's had a long time jealousy thing with rappers who have more money than him so his lecherous nature makes him want to demean Beyonce probably has day and night dreams about her.

i wondered if he would comment on the 9 year old that people like him put that uzi in her hands what about the harm to her or those kids that saw Mike Brown bleeding out in the street for 5 hours.  nah Beyonce is his choice, condescension does not hurt economically Bilo republican denial and safety net cutting does.  in case you wonder i left out the token house "N" on purpose his 2 cents only works on the right wing base.