Friday, August 22, 2014

Ferguson hired police officer with horrendous history of violence against citizens

Police officers keep watch while demonstrators (not pictured) protest the death of black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri August 12, 2014. Police said Brown, 18, was shot in a struggle with a gun in a police car but have not said why Brown was

File this under: A bit terrifying. Meet Eddie Boyd III:
In a city where the killing of an unarmed black teenager by a white cop has revealed profound racial tensions, Boyd's story represents an anomaly: he is one of just three African-American police officers in a department of 53. [...]
In the city of St. Louis, the complaints against Boyd started rolling in nearly a decade ago, not long after he left the police academy. The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department's internal affairs division investigated two allegations of physical abuse against children in 2004 and 2005 but did not sustain them, meaning that the investigation did not reveal sufficient evidence to support the allegations.
Internal affairs did sustain the third serious complaint against Boyd, however. In April 2006, Boyd got into an argument with 12-year-old Jerica Thornton while following the girl and her brother home from school, according to a judge's summary of the investigation.
 Let's see how this played out.
After a verbal altercation turned physical, Boyd tackled the brother to the ground. When Jerica came to his aid, Boyd struck her in the head with his gun.
Boyd later claimed that he had pistol-whipped the girl "accidentally." Internal affairs disagreed, recommending that Boyd be dropped from the department's rolls.
Of course they didn't fire him, and after another incident, Boyd was moved on again. This time to Ferguson. Well, why might they do that? Money. Always money.
 Despite the lawsuit, Ferguson may have had a simple motivation in hiring Boyd. Speaking generally, St. Louis University law professor Roger Goldman said departments save money on training by hiring officers who are already licensed.
"Why are you willing to overlook that previous misconduct?" he asked. "You might not have that much money."
Goldman said this happens in "case after case," particularly in "an area like St. Louis, where you've got something like 55 departments."
"It's called the ‘muni shuffle,’" he said.
If Ferguson was hoping to save money on Boyd's training, it might wind up spending more in the end. The city is currently defending another lawsuit against Boyd.

I recently posted another story in y comments I referred to Black officers being as harsh and violent against Black persons either in their custody or before an arrest that my friends is first hand knowledge.  this also points out the criteria they use to recruit and hire new abusing police, his being Black IMO they see that as some kind of sick validation of the force that is known for violence against the people.

New York, Los Angeles, and all through the south and the north you've heard the stories and seen the news at 11pm, it is ramping up, I think these carry laws are just assisting the rabid police until it becomes their problem, actually that might not be completely true remember in AZ and NM and a couple of other states where the police were hunted and killed and NRA and republicans still pushing gun rights while manufacturers and retailers and politicians smile all the way to the bank.

as to saving money maybe but I think more so they get a ready made abuser that fits right in day one and does not need to be trained on how to violate law and citizens.