Sunday, August 17, 2014

AG Eric Holder Orders Second Autopsy of Michael Brown
The Department of Justice announced Sunday morning it would take over the autopsy of Michael Brown, who was shot by a Ferguson police officer last week in an incident that has led to days of protests. The DOJ is reportedly acting at the behest of Brown’s family:

Tensions have flared between state and federal authorities and Ferguson police, especially following the controversial release of surveillance footage allegedly showing Brown robbing a convenience store, footage being blamed for rekindling tensions in Ferguson.

given the climate there and the history reported that is the correct thing to do.  when they said officer was injured in the face sorry i immediately thought any bother cop could have done that to falsify and corroborate the fairy tale of a fight inside the car and he went for the gun, that seems to be a standard response to authorization to kill remember Trayvon allegedly went for Zimmerman's gun that was in the back of his pants laid on by Zimmerman get my point?  

also the Black people would not react the way they did and neither would the police if there were not a history of discontent and distrust.  good that Mr. Holder is doing his job.  be prepared foe republican negative responses and pay them no attention you have heard and seen and read about this from day one if you see nothing there that's your right but remember you can't lie to yourself.