Saturday, July 26, 2014

Fox asks the most enlightening question in the history of political polling
Jon Stewart on The Daily Show displaying Fox News slogan: "Fox News: We Read The Chain Emails Your Grandma Gets In Her Inbox Out Loud Like They're True."

Actual question from Fox's latest poll:
Do you think Barack Obama wants to be president anymore?
Fox says the results show a bare majority of the country—52 percent—do think he still wants the job. That's a good thing, because as much as it sucks having a lawless tyrannical dictator as president, imagine how much worse things could be if he didn't even want the job.
and now for the laugh of the day, I believe this question coming from them is not just rhetorical I think they are trying to plant the seeds of misleading and having you think that things are so bad because he doesn't want the job, well if we follow that line of thought the entire right wing of congress doesn't want their jobs, regardless to how cushy they've made it work if you can call showing up at the capitol and smoking cigars and plan how to sue the Pres. before taking off again.

first 3 months of the year they "WORKED" 28 days that is 41 days off.  look at May and June,

they are ripping us off to the tune of $170,000.00 a year and any labor performed is for republicans and big business who most don't pay tax so it's free rides all around.  we can stop this and identify the fraud Nov. 4th recognize