Monday, June 2, 2014

To Right-Wing Media, Bergdahl Release Is A Distraction From VA Problems
this is why they always say "the other side does it too", because they say so not because they do these scandalettes are no more than republicans trying to bait and switch use the strong titles and change the blame.
Right-wing media greeted news of the release of the only U.S. soldier held captive in Afghanistan with claims that his freedom was timed to distract from the controversy plaguing the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Is Freed By Taliban In Prisoner Exchange

Longest Serving Prisoner Of War In Afghanistan Returned To American Special Operations In Prisoner Exchange. Bergdahl, who was captured by Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan in June 2009, was released on May 31 in exchange for five Taliban detainees held at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. [The New York Times5/31/14]

Right-Wing Media Claim Bergdahl's Release  Meant To Distract From VA Scandal 

Glenn Beck: Bergdahl Release A Distraction By Obama ''To Get Everybody To Stop Talking About The VA." On the June 2 edition of of his radio show, Glenn Beck claimed "the only reason why this happened is because the president is trying to get the VA off of the front page of the newspapers. That's all he's doing. He's just trying to get everybody to stop talking about the VA." [Premiere Radio Networks, The Glenn Beck Radio Program, 6/2/14 via Right Wing Watch]
 Laura Ingraham: "Given The Onslaught" From "Managing The Veterans Affairs Scandal" The "Timing Is Suspicious." During the June 2 edition of The Laura Ingraham Show, Ingraham questioned the timing of Bergdahl's release as "interesting" given the "justified onslaught against the adminstration for what it did, didn't do with managing the vVeterans Affairs scandal of treatment." Ingraham claimed that this news "comes out at an opportune time for the commander-in-chief" before predicting it would "backfire." [Courtside Entertainment Group, The Laura Ingraham Show6/2/14]
just a couple to make the point those leading the argument are now suddenly victims of a shrewd Dem party that nefariously stole a page from their playbook, do you really believe Pres. would leave that boy there until they came up with an idea that would be more republican than Progressive, plans had been in motion already so jumping the gun again only to in a couple of days have to wipe the green eggs and ham off their faces.

something else the story implied he was AWOL just walked away, will follow