Thursday, June 5, 2014

The way back machine delivers the LOLs. Bonus Alan West LOL. Bonus Gateway Pundit LOL.

My prayers are with the family of Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. soldier seen on the Taliban abduction video released this weekend. The Jawa Report has the full clip.
All Americans should hope and pray for his release from jihadi custody.
Sarah Palin in 2009:
"Todd and I are praying for Private First Class Bowe Bergdahl, his family, and all of his fellow soldiers who are putting their lives on the line to defend our freedom and protect democracy abroad,” Governor Palin said. “The capture of Private Bergdahl and the bombings in Jakarta prove that we have not defeated terrorism, and that radical extremists will stop at nothing to attack Westerners and our ideals."
Kelly Ayotte, January 2014:
This June will mark five years since Bowe Bergdahl was captured by the Taliban. After so long in captivity, DoD must redouble its efforts to find Sergeant Bergdahl and return him safely to his family," Ayotte wrote in a letter this week to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.
Oliver North, 2011 Facebook post:
Today, I received from the National League of POW/MIA Families a "Never Forget Bracelet" emblazoned with the name of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. He was seized on June 30, 2009 in Afghanistan and is being held by the Haqqani Organization - a Taliban affiliated terrorist group - in northwest Pakistan. Sgt Bergdahl and his loved ones here at home deserve our prayers and encouragement until he is rescued or released. That's what we do. We're Americans.
you have heard the minutes worth of praise by the right for Sgt. Bowe then the worm turn and name calling, everybody has their two cents in hand waiting for a mike, but these were not as popular, was it Pres. being human and sympathetic to his parents in their time of total confusion first he's a hero now they spit every time they speak his name.

The men Obama has abandoned
Written by Allen West on December 10, 2013
President Obama is in South Africa for his self-gratifying opportunity to get before cameras for the funeral of Nelson Mandela and shake Raul Castro’s hand. As we wrote Sunday evening, seems that British PM Margaret Thatcher was not deserving of his time or attention.
It got me thinking of others who seemingly do not deserve President Obama’s time or attention. In the military we live by a code that defines our commitment to each other, an undying devotion of “Leave no Man Behind.”
Then there is Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl still held by the Islamic terrorist Haqqani network, probably in Pakistan, in the same place where Osama Bin Laden was hiding. This past POW/MIA national day of recognition, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reiterated a pledge to secure the young Army NCO being held captive, but have there been any actions? Any time, attention, or even mention from the Commander-in-Chief? Nah, no camera highlights in it for him.
ok it's official they all forgot what they said first bandwagon jumping has you leaping before you checkout what wagon your jumping on that's become a republican staple. West wasn't he kicked out of the ARMY and congress and the tea people he represented found him to far extreme for them and ten he's hired by Fox that s the life cycle of republican used to was politicians like Palin besides who cares what he thinks?