Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Republican Party Has Institutionalized Dishonesty

Politicians lie. We all know this. There are lies of omission and lies of commission and lies that are the result of willful ignorance and lies that are the result of simple ignorance in its purest form. But only one party has institutionalized dishonesty, and that is the Republican Party.
They have lied about everything, from Obamacare to Benghazito the economy, like these,



and worst of all, this…
as the article said far too many to list in one shot but here's an idea go to bottom of tis page and check my blogs through the years and months, i suggest that might be a good idea before Nov. 4th.

i'd like to sample a rap group "ain't to lies like republican lies because republican lies don't stop.

Nature – East Coast Party Lyrics | Rap Genius
Rap Genius
(hook) / It ain't no party like a east coast party cuz a east coast party don't stop /