Saturday, June 7, 2014

Boehner says Obama's climate change policies will kill 224,000 jobs and surge electric bills by $17 billion every year
President Barack Obama’s administration unveiled tough new regulations on existing power plants that seek to significantly curb carbon emissions in the coming decades.
Moments after the proposal was released, it was widely panned by Republicans, who called it a continuation of Obama’s so-called "War on Coal" and said it would kill jobs, raise electric prices and hurt the economy.
On his website, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, put it in more direct terms: "The president’s plan would indeed cause a surge in electricity bills — costs stand to go up $17 billion every year.  But it would also shut down plants and potentially put an average of 224,000 more people out of work every year."
The details of Obama’s plan are extensive — the proposal is 645 pages long. So how did Republicans come up with such exact (and damning) figures so quickly after the proposal was released?
they are always crying about how long a bill from Pres. is and do we expect them to read it all well we do, it's their job been so long since they did their jobs they forgot what they were.  as to the leap before reading and the last post about their deceptive agenda i say par for the course for them.
The estimates actually come from a U.S. Chamber of Commerce study that was released in late May. We took a look at it last week, and noted it made several assumptions about the June 2 proposal. We warned that the findings of the study would be relatively unusable if those predictions did not come to light.
And that’s what happened.
never mind the facts also a republican staple.  so they continue on with a binder full of rebuttals ike each repetition of same lie is new and we don't know it's the same game and the same name with the same blame of their original lie, insane yeah how about that?