Sunday, June 22, 2014

Rand Paul Blames Dick Cheney For Iraq Crisis

Dick Cheney and his daughter wrote a horrid article in the WSJ called the Collapsing Obama Doctrine. Nothing has collapsed more in our lifetime than the Bush/Cheney foreign policy doctrine that has turned the world on its head and thrown the U.S. in a horrendous tailspin. Rand Paul joined meet The Press, and was asked to comment on Dick Cheney's ridiculous words.

When asked by the completely useless David Gregory for an upcoming segment on 'Meet the Press' to respond to Dick Cheney's charge that Barack Obama was somehow responsible for the current chaos in Iraq, Rand Paul turned the question around against Dick Cheney:
“I think the same questions could be asked of those who supported the Iraq War. You know, were they right in their predictions? Were there weapons of mass destruction there? That’s what the war was sold on. Was democracy easily achievable? Was the war won in 2005, when many of these people said it was won?
although he sounds sincere IMO it was all a part of disconnecting from the crazies for a 2016 run, these guys have been espousing their pov's for years and a few months before a midterm they are all of a sudden sounding like Progressives, this is to garner the independent and some other votes not in reach before.  still disingenuous and the party manifesto will prevail, how can they take a 180 while the party still holds on to the "VALUES" now known as "PRINCIPLES" , why would they support let alone elect him if he were honest especially the tea people would hang him in effigy.

what he said was true but did he address the question yes or no?  "NO" he went around the bush but never said "YES". but essentially defended Pres.  does he know where his party stands on that issue?  that makes it even harder to believe in any change to good.  btw did he ever apologize to that lady his security kicked I the neck in the gutter for asking a question?