Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fox's Vain Hope That DOD Memo Could Be The Benghazi Bombshell It's Been Waiting For
Fox News' Catherine Herridge claims that a classified 2012 Department of Defense (DOD) memo would demonstrate that the Obama administration had deliberately concealed the fact that the Benghazi attack was perpetrated by terrorists. But news reports and subsequent investigations show that administration officials were quick to acknowledge the attackers' apparent links to terror groups.

Fox Claims Classified Memo Is Proof Administration Hid The Facts On Benghazi

Herridge: DOD Memo Shows Administration Knew About Terrorists' Connection To Benghazi Attack.
Fox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge hyped a classified DOD memo that reportedly named 11 suspected perpetrators of the Benghazi attack who had connections to local terror networks al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and Ansar al-Sharia. She claimed the memo "is significant because it arrived two days before then-UN ambassador Susan Rice appeared on television shows blaming the assault on an inflammatory video," and cited the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies' Thomas Joscelyn to claim that the administration's public statements about the attack were essentially "willful blindness" (emphasis added):  

didn't we settle that during 2012 election, when Romney famously put both feet in his mouth and claimed he never said it was a terrorist attack only to be shamefully rebuked by moderator.  republican dead horses litter the party platform they pick which one to beat and it's immediately rebutted but that's the insanity of that party they keep trying hoping that the 3rd or 55th time will be the charm and they'll have their homemade truths proof problem they make it up they will never find it but I think plan B is to keep saying it enough till people start believing it inspite of  constant rebuttals.