Thursday, June 12, 2014

EXCLUSIVE: NOW President Calls On Washington Post to Drop George Will Over Rape Column

The National Organization for Women is urging The Washington Post to drop George Will's column after he downplayed the prevalence of campus sexual assault and suggested some college efforts to curb it "make victimhood a coveted status." 

Will has received harsh criticism over his June 7 syndicated column, in which he cited the response to "the supposed campus epidemic of rape, aka 'sexual assault'" as an example of how when colleges "make victimhood a coveted status that confers privileges, victims proliferate."
The column has drawn complaints from numerous women's rights groups and prompted National Organization for Women President Terry O'Neill to call for Will's ouster Tuesday.
"George Will needs to take a break from his column and The Washington Post needs to take a break from his column, they need to dump him," O'Neill told Media Matters in a phone interview Tuesday afternoon. "It is actively harmful for the victims of sexual assault when that kind of man writes a piece that says to assault victims, 'it didn't happen and if it did happen you deserve it.' That re-traumatizes victims. I can't believe that Mr. Will has had this experience if he would put out such a hateful message."
"We want him to back off and we want The Washington Post to stop carrying his column."

i agree they think they are too big to get fired but there is this entity called the consumers that really have the final say.  this guy is right wing and just gave the GOP another bullet and aimed it at the one or two toes they have left.  they say they will reach out to woman and another chuckle head pops up and etch a sketches it not that they don't do it to themselves they all make claims they really don't mean and than say something contrary to it that is a tell it tells us they are full of elephant dung.
Post Editorial Page Editor Fred Hiatt defended Will's column, issuing this statement to Media Matters:
George Will's column was well within the bounds of legitimate debate. I welcomed his contribution, as I welcome the discussion it sparked and the responses, some of which we will be publishing on our pages and website. This is what a good opinion site should do. Rather than urge me to silence a viewpoint they disagree with, I would urge others also to join the debate, and to do so without mischaracterizing the original column.
post no longer a viable source after years of real reporting the new owners are righty's and the narrative of the paper shows it those who receive that paper and have women in their lives as well as the women boycott the right wing rhetoric propaganda water carrying used to be credible media. show them your vote counts as well as your dollars.