Saturday, June 14, 2014

Boehner on Cantor defeat: It's Obama's fault

House Speaker John Boehner press conference on Thursday, June 12, 2014
Speaker Boehner's weekly news conference on Thursday morning (video coming soon)
When House Speaker John Boehner was asked on Thursday morning about Majority Leader Eric Cantor's primary defeat, he should have stopped his answer at this:
I'll let the political pundits describe and figure out what happened in that election. Every election is different.
Instead, he decided to elaborate:
You have to understand, the American people are being squeezed by Obama's policies. The economy is not growing. Incomes aren't growing. We're not creating enough jobs. And two-thirds of America have seen no increase in their wages but their food prices are going up, their gas prices are going up, and their health insurance prices are going up. And so there's a lot of frustration that's out there, and they look to Washington, and wonder why we can't resolve these issues. And they're hard to resolve when you've got a president who won't engage.
never let a good chance to thrash Pres. get by you republicans have that stamped inside their eyelids so they see it all night in their sleep.  how are we being squeezed by Pres. policies the bastards won't pass any some they refuse to bring to the floor for a vote.  as to 2/3 not seeing an increase they haven't bought his jobs bill to vote and denied wage increase and unemployment insurance.

he also ignores the monthly jobs numbers up now to 200 million +, republicans will set about trying to deny the reality of those numbers but we can't deny they haven't created one job neither has their tax free "JOB CREATORS" just exploited the wages of those who are working.

prices go up as a rule but they are refusing those things that enhance the economy on purpose to destroy it so they can say it happened under Pres. disregarding the fact it started with them and has been blocked from recovery ever since by them, more lies about health care prices but they think it's a good tag to pin on the Pres. after all the roll out wasn't good but 9 million signer's since than well ignore that in favor of the misinformation..

So yeah, Eric Cantor lost his primary because President Obama sucks.

just like the goose drank wine and the monkey spit tobacco on the streetcar line fiction for kids.