Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Conservatives Go From Zero To Impeachment In Record Time On Bergdahl



In the days following the prisoner swap that secured the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, some conservatives who have long fantasized about booting Obama from office believe they may finally have the goods for impeachment.
Andrew McCarthy, who's written an entire book that builds a case for impeachment against Obama, said in an interview published Monday he would include the Bergdahl release as part of his "larger indictment" against the President.
McCarthy told the MailOnline that the release of "senior terrorists to the Taliban" represents a "high crime and misdemeanor."
Fox Business anchor Lou Dobbs liked the sound of that. On Monday, he cited McCarthy's impeachment talk in blasting Obama's "extraordinary knack for doing the utterly wrong thing in the wrong way at seemingly the worst moment."

this backfired on them before with Cinton have they not learned anything or are they forgetting history and it's repeating itself with a vengeance toward them and all before become part of all now they doubled down and got a double whammy, they are not now or in the last 5 years been able to shake the fact that a Black man beat them twice and occupies the WH. blind rage born of racism and bigotry allows them to ignore the fact they have not done what they are paid for impeachment good word but applied to the wrong one, but the right ones pun intended.