Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Alabama GOP Offers $1,000 Reward For Info About Voter Fraud


and now for today's gaggle of wing nuts,

Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead wrote Monday on the party's website that "Reward Stop Voter Fraud" signs with a hotline number would be placed at "random" polling locations around the state during Tuesday's primaries -- and the plan is to place the signs at all polling locations in November.
"The Alabama Republican Party is serious about stopping voter fraud," Armistead wrote. "So serious we are offering a $1,000 reward for information that directly leads to a conviction of a felony for voter fraud. Any suspicion of fraud or witnessing the willful non-enforcement of the Alabama’s voter laws needs to be reported."
just who will they be watching and how close in order to see if there was fraud but that's just a thousand they won't have to spend because i'm sure they won't be looking at their own or in their own yard, maybe one will get desperate and turn the party leader who's idea this was in because it is the real fraud.  will those watching be just behind those they are trying to intimidate and isn't there a law about voter space?
30 feet and check out the law for Ala.  and whose allowed to violate your privacy while voting
State Laws Prohibiting Electioneering Activities Within a Certain Distance of the Polling Place October 2012 
 Alabama Except as electors are admitted to vote and persons to assist them as herein provided, and except for the judge of probate, the sheriff, 
or his or her deputy, the precinct election officials, and watchers, no person shall be permitted within 30 feet of the door of the building 
of the polling place. Electioneering or campaigning is permitted outside the polling place. However, this activity must not be closer than 
30 feet to the entrance of the polling place (Alabama Code § 17-9-50; Alabama Secretary of State FAQs) 
i want to know when will someone on the right speak up to the voter suppression or more so when will the scotus reverse itself, surely they see what's going on as they did when the gutted the law didn't take 5 mins. for republicans were back in the saddle herding votes away from the voting booths.  that is why it is so important we all show up and be heard, make some noise.