For someone who expresses concern about partisans who take the "low road" and wallow in "reckless rhetoric," Karl Rove did a pretty good public impersonation of both this week with his "bizarre" attacks on Hillary Clinton.
Rove, of course, is no stranger to smear campaigns. Just ask associates of Anne Richards, John McCain,John Kerry and Valerie Plame, to name a few. Which is why it was always preposterous for Rove to launch a years-long etiquette campaign lecturing President Obama on the "politics of civility" in his Wall Street Journalcolumns. I mean, Rove draws a generous paycheck from Fox News, which has nearly run out of corrosive insults to hurl at Obama after six years.
So yes, Rove's glass house is visible to everyone.
But there was something especially hypocritical about Rove taking a break from his "civility" sermons to launch one of the most classless attacks of the political year, reportedly suggesting Hillary Clinton was physically and mentally incapacitated, indelicately portraying the former secretary of state of a feeble senior citizen who had fallen and sustained "traumatic brain injury"; a possibly life-changing wound that had been concealed from the public.
the problem with republicans is what you don't see is what you get, when called out they fall back on "both sides do it" but never an example especially with their more vitriolic rants, they do those things and immediately blame Pres. and dirty the shine on his shoes but their scuff marks are always exposed as feeble attempts at reverse psychology they say those things to convince or misdirect us from the elephant dung they just dropped and blame that too on Pres., that is why their base are cheerleaders without a clue and think Pres. is evil personified.
Rove is considered the architect of the Bush era his brain that speaks volumes on Bush's relevance in that admin, but really just adept at smoke and mirror manipulation but this is a era of change Pres. talked about 2012 he blew 400 million of those guys trying to but our gov't in a historical lost for republicans they didn't believe they loss some still call PRES. not the legitimate President how sick is that?
From Sally Kohn at The Daily Beast:
What America needs to know is what's up with your conspiracy theory-based fear mongering that is obviously intended to simultaneously highlight Clinton's age (old people slip and fall) and undermine her credibility as a female candidate (playing to sexist stereotypes that women are mentally unstable or simply less intelligent). Mr. Rove, you make these claims purely as conjecture without any facts, fanned by the emotions of your partisanship.
Speaking at a Los Angeles event last Thursday, Rove presented Hillary's alleged health problem in such stark terms that the New York Post concluded Rove had suggested Clinton suffered from "brain damage." (Roveinsists he never said that.) Rove also lied about Clinton having spent "30 days" in the hospital recovering. (It was four days.)
The slander continued during Rove's damage control tour after his comments were published. On Fox, he engaged in further, wild speculation: "We don't know what the doctors said about what does she have to be concerned about. Don't know about -- I mean she's hidden a lot of this." (Cover up!)
Hidden from whom? She's currently a private citizen. Prior to her possible presidential candidacy, Clinton's supposed to send out regular updates about her health to the general public?
example of the desperation coupled with their audacity of arrogance and a dose of reality that she can really hurt them, with their assistance of daily gaffes and continued alienation of all but their base and their base may be questionable some realize the hurt the cheer for on us is also on them.