Ben Carson was unaware that the gay community considers it "particularly abhorrent" to be compared to practitioners of bestiality before the firestorm of criticism that came when he linked the two on national television, the Fox News contributor explains in his forthcoming book.
Carson, a famed Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon, became a rising conservative media star after criticizing Obamacare during a speech attended by President Obama at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast. But his reputation took a hit when he compared marriage equality advocates to supporters of bestiality and pedophilia in a March 2013 Fox News appearance, saying, "Marriage is between a man and a woman. No group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn't matter what they are. They don't get to change the definition. So, it's not something against gays. It's against anybody who wants to come along and change the fundamental definitions of pillars of society. It has significant ramifications."
i'm wondering who he paid for his status because of his claimed lack of knowledge that anyone would want to be cited as bestiality practitioners other than those who do, his rant against Pres. got him his notoriety with republicans because they see it as another one of us against Pres. when in reality we see him as a wannabe but just a "HOUSE "N". forget history and it will repeat for him partnering with those who want "THEIR" country back includes taking him back too where he obviously has forgotten.
no matter how much the republicans tell him atta"Boy" he's still what they see us all as just with him no loyalty to his own they call those kind traitors.