Thursday, April 3, 2014

What Conservative Media Are Getting Wrong About Guns On Military Bases

Ft. Hood

MYTH: Clinton To Blame For Military Base Gun Regulations 

Fox News: Clinton Administration Decided Trained Military Professionals Shouldn't Carry Arms On Base.On the April 3 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, co-host Steve Doocy claimed that gun regulations which restrict firearms on military bases were enacted under President Clinton's administration:
DOOCY: Keep in mind, it was back, I believe it was during the Bill Clinton administration, where they decided that men and women on base shouldn't be able to carry arms, even though they're trained professionals.
DOOCY: But nonetheless, what we have learned twice now, at Ft. Hood and last September at the Navy Yard, is that these guys are sitting ducks. Somebody comes in there, they have a gun -- there's nothing they can do. [Fox News, Fox & Friends4/3/14]
Jim Hoft: "Thanks To Liberals And Bill Clinton And Democrats Our Military Bases Are Gun-Free Zones." In an April 3 post for his conservative blog The Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft claimed:
Thanks to liberals and Bill Clinton and Democrats our military bases are gun-free zones. As a result, Fort Hood just experienced its second mass shooting in 5 years.
How many more US soldiers will have to die due to gun-free regulations? [The Gateway Pundit,4/3/14]

FACT: First Bush Administration Enacted Military Base Gun Regulations

President H.W. Bush Enacted Military Base Gun Regulations In 1992, A Year Before Clinton Took Office. AsThe New Republic explained, a 1992 Department of Defense directive established the rules limiting firearms on military bases to "qualified personnel," issued under former President George H.W. Bush and Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney: 
[T]he impetus for the Army regulation was, in turn, Department of Defense directive 5210.56, which was issued on February 25, 1992, and was considered "effective immediately" for the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. Clinton, of course, did not take office until January 20, 1993. So if we're going to blame a former president for a mass murder ... see how ridiculous this all is?
What's more, that directive--signed by Donald J. Atwood, George H. W. Bush's deputy secretary of defense--was by no means a "ban" on firearms at military installations. It explicitly authorizes DOD personnel "to carry firearms while engaged in law enforcement or security duties, protecting personnel, vital Government assets, or guarding prisoners," and simply aims to "limit and control the carrying of firearms by DoD military and civilian personnel. [The New Republic11/17/13]

MYTH: Military Bases Are "Gun-Free Zones" That Leave Soldiers "Defenseless"

Fox Contributor Allen West: "Our Military Bases Shouldn't Be Free Fire Zones." In a tweet posted April 2, Fox News contributor and former GOP congressman Allen West labeled military bases "free fire zones," where service members are "sitting ducks":

now you know why Fox has no credibility as a legit news source, they seem to not listen to any other source but theirs that's the only reason i can think of for their daily misleading information the broadcast to the world or they do listen but the real news just doesn't fit in with their republican agenda to make the Pres. look bad so you will flock to them for leadership, after all they did have a different take on the facts, is that possible?

military bases have police they have armory's full of guns each person is issued hand guns and rifles so in their cloud if they give them any more weapons how will they defend themselves with pounds of  guns and bullets in hand and over the shoulder, we'd be lucky if they weren't laying in the street carry all that artillery and really be fish in a barrel.
republicans and right wing affiliates never think pass the time they thing "YEAH", or they do and just don't give a damn about our troops.