Thursday, April 3, 2014

Retired Four Star General Shuts Down Right-Wing Argument For Arming Soldiers On Bases To Prevent Mass Shootings

what do right wing NRA lovers think will happen when there is a military base that allows soldiers to carry personal weapons on base that was a dumb question they see it as more money, more money and the advocates see it as collateral damage of freedom to be strapped and that is paramount,

 funny how the only rights we have that the right wing actually fights for are the WMD's of domestic America.  pretty soon they will reinstate the draft because their gun freedoms will kill off the military then who will the think will back up the wolf tickets they sell around the world surely not any of those republicans who saber wave and dream of war, 

after all those sabers are not i their hands, but or children's, easy to talk smack when you aren't the one getting smacked. but why are we not surprised they want to re arm soldiers gov't issue weapons not enough or are the designating bases as war zones? or is it to protect/kill other soldiers, maybe because these are the same people who want to arm grade schooler's and their teachers