Friday, April 18, 2014

'This thing is working': 8 million are now insured through the exchanges

President Barack Obama smiling and holding
A few weeks ago, 7 million sign-ups for Obamacare's insurance exchanges was rightly celebrated as a victory. Now, though, we've blown past that: President Barack Obama announced Thursday afternoon that 8 million people have gotten health coverage through the exchanges, in addition to the millions more who have benefited from expanded Medicaid or been able to stay on their parents' insurance. In all, according to a White House fact sheet:
  • 8 million people signed up for private insurance in the Health Insurance Marketplace. For states that have Federally-Facilitated Marketplaces, 35 percent of those who signed up are under 35 years old and 28 percent are between 18 and 34 years old, virtually the same youth percentage that signed up in Massachusetts in their first year of health reform.
  • 3 million young adults gained coverage thanks to the Affordable Care Act by being able to stay on their parents plan.
  • 3 million more people were enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP as of February, compared to before the Marketplaces opened. Medicaid and CHIP enrollment continues year-round.
  • 5 million people are enrolled in plans that meet ACA standards outside the Marketplace, according to a CBO estimate. When insurers set premiums for next year, they are required to look at everyone who enrolled in plans that meet ACA standards, both on and off the Marketplace.
  • 5.7 million people will be uninsured in 2016 because 24 States have not expanded Medicaid.
they can claim premature victory lap, book cookings, and any other excuse for their failure to repeal but it falls on deaf ears and all those who opposed are now sitting in the wings until the next sign up later this year praying they don't get sick because republicans convinced them not to enroll, will any of those republicans help with their bills??