Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ted Cruz asks Facebook friends about Obamacare, finds out they like it


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On second thought, maybe Texas Sen. Ted Cruz won't ask this question again:
Back on March 24, Cruz posted an informal survey on his verified senatorial Facebook page. It read: "Quick poll: Obamacare was signed into law four years ago yesterday. Are you better off now than you were then? Comment with YES or NO!"
It's probably fair to say that he didn't expect the tsunami of "YES" votes that have shown up on the page among the 47,000 that Facebook says have been posted.
Respondents have listed, among other things, their newfound ability to obtain coverage despite preexisting medical conditions, the right of young adults to stay on their parents' policies to age 26, lower premiums and the end of lifetime benefit limits.
Maybe next time Ted should stick to the freeper boards.
he knew as the rest of them this is a great plan, but he also thought with their lies innuendo and out right misleading that they had successfully pulled the wool over their constituents eyes.
Cruz is a lawyer and he violated the primary rule, he asked a question that he already knew the answer to.