Monday, March 31, 2014

Fox Fights Minimum Wage Increases That Would Disproportionately Help Women

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Fox & Friends Sunday falsely claimed that raising the minimum wage would harm female workers, contributing to what they called the "phony war on women" -- but women make up the majority of minimum wage earners, and would significantly benefit from a raise.
On the March 30 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends Sunday, co-host Anna Kooiman and Independent Women's Forum Executive Director Sabrina Schaeffer pushed several debunked minimum wage myths,
falsely claiming that a majority of workers making minimum wage are younger, and suggesting that Democrats who wanted to pay women more were in fact hurting families and workers, contributing to the "phony war on women" (emphasis added): 
SCHAEFFER: The reality is a majority of minimum wage earners are working part time. The majority are younger workers 16-24, about 50 percent are, so it's not quite this dire situation where you have the head of households who are not able to care for their families. And there are -- when the price of something goes up, people tend to buy less.
KOOIMAN: So you're saying it's continuing this phony war on women?
SCHAEFFER: Yeah, of course, and you know, this is definitely sort of a legislative aim looking towards looking at the midterm elections but really what would help people is robust job creation because that's what gives workers -- all workers, especially women who need often part time or flexible work arrangements,
more opportunities we want more jobs, we want different kinds of jobs, a variety of jobs, we want women who need part-time work to be able to find it, they're going to have better negotiating powers, higher wages when we have a stronger economy overall.
maybe this is the reason republican women blindly support the anti women agenda of their male counterparts they are too bat crap crazy, it's sinful that the ignorant arrogance that rules Fox is taken seriously by those the do nothing to help,
misleading and feeding misinformation is tantamount to the guy in movies that is the underground leader and tells his people they can't go up because it's too dangerous, lessening their life experience and leaving them under informed.
Kooiman concluded the segment by suggesting raising the minimum wage was not a "long-term solution" that would help "job creation."
In fact, women make up the majority of minimum wage earners and would benefit disproportionately from an increase in the minimum wage. ThinkProgress reported that according to research from the Center for American Progress, "two-thirds of minimum wage earners are women," (despite making up only 48.3 percent of the total workforce) making women "far more likely to benefit from a wage increase" than men:
 they are stifling you and your family's lives they are supporting big business not you as far as wanting jobs the republicans promised jobs as a their platform oh and deny us health care so far they have not delivered on one you have ACA working, you have job growth every month even if God forbid it was only 2 jobs it still beats losing 750,000 jobs a month under republican control,. you don't want to say deja vu, all over again do you?
wonder what the women of Fox make that they can judge other woman and what is best or not for them, that is a sickness on the right wing they know more than they know and don't realize it, the worse kind of information comes from those who don't know their limit of said information.