A week or so ago, connecticutie posted her version of the GOP Rape Advisory Chart to help sort out all of the confusion about the wide variety of rape "flavors" that today's Republican Party seems so hell-bent on bringing to light.I thought she did a fantastic job, but, given the latest entries into the "rainbow of rape flavors" yesterday and today by Richard Mourdock and John Cornyn, I decided to create a revised version that plays it straight--I'm just including the actual quotes themselves. Feel free to repost on FB, TW or wherever you wish.
and here we go with today's RWNJ's given the egregious way they referred to rape and women such insensitive rants as "God meant for that to happen" and their lengthy decision to sign the VAWA, you would thing they would run from that 4 letter word in fact they were told to stay away. but as per usual one whack a mole pops up and we get this great way to corner the women's vote in Nov.
this resurfacing of the most horrendous thing that women would experience just goes to show you everything they said about change was just another lie that was a red flag event anyway they said "we don't have to change our values now principles, just the way we say them" they failed at that too because the change of the way they say it was the way that they say it, only change was "VALUES" to "PRINCIPLES" synonomous and still the same lies.