Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mitt Romney Needs to Surge for GOP to Nab Senate

The prospect of a Republican Senate majority relies more than ever on a strong showing at the top of the ticket by GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney.
With less than eight weeks to go and both national party conventions complete, a path remains for the Republicans after several weeks of shifts in the Senate landscape. But for the GOP, it's now more akin to a game of hopscotch than a straight-line sprint to the majority.
It could require a leap over Missouri - once a virtual sure thing for the GOP - to Connecticut, where the Senate race appears closer than it ever was in 2010. Overall, the party's hopes hinge on a baseline of three races in Republican-leaning states, a couple of states President Barack Obama should carry by a significant margin and a few close contests in presidential swing states - where Romney's performance especially matters.
i disagree, this whole ball of wax depends on the American electorate. that said do we allow those who vote from the back of a band wagon or do we do a fall cleaning, the T-Party has not changed it's agenda to "take the country back, in time", re-electing congress is the first and equally as important to the Pres., if we just vote him in and them back in congress to quote Romney "nothing will change". 
we are the change bringer's not just the Pres. he can only lead us to the truth whether we accept it and act accordingly or embrace the proven lies and misinformation is what will decide r fate.
not a lot of unknown's except Romney's, we know who will and who won't they told us this is the time to believe Romney and his admissions of complicity to the 1% or we can elect who we know has our backs, the PRES., if you don't know, now you know.
Republicans must win four seats, net, to reclaim the majority. But the loss of any they currently hold would in turn increase the number of Democratic-held seats they must flip to assume control of the chamber. The most likely casualty at this point is the seat of retiring Sen. Olympia Snowe in Maine. Former Gov. Angus King (I) is favored and likely to caucus with Democrats if elected.
In an effort to salvage the seat, the National Republican Senatorial Committee placed a $600,000 media buy for 2,000 gross ratings points for the next two weeks. The party's chances there lie in the makeup of the contest. With a three-way race, Secretary of State Charlie Summers (R) doesn't need 50 percent to win, but he needs state Sen. Cynthia Dill (D) to take a significant portion of the Democratic vote.
it's in our court, debates will just strengthen our resolve, atack ads of lies do the same, we don't want their brand of rule.