Friday, January 3, 2014

DOJ rejects nuns' argument on ObamaCare contraception mandate

The Obama administration on Friday offered a vigorous defense of the Affordable Care Act's "birth control mandate," disputing as unfounded the religious challenge that led a Supreme Court justice to partially block the provision from taking effect this week. 
In court papers filed ahead of a 10 a.m. deadline, the Justice Department asked the High Court to lift its stay on the contentious regulations, pointing to language allowing certain nonprofit groups to easily opt out of paying for contraception as part of employee health insurance plans. 
Groups, including the order of nuns who won a temporary reprieve this week, need only self-certify that they are religious nonprofit organizations and object to the requirement. 
"With the stroke of their own pen, applicants can secure for themselves the relief they seek from this Court — an exemption from the requirements of the contraceptive-coverage provision," the U.S. Solicitor General wrote in a 37-page motion seeking denial of a permanent injunction.  
this again is beginning to sound like those who oppose are not fully aware of the law and it's exemptions. that would have to include the latest judge Sotomayor so what the fuss? this has been a disease of politicians here no one completely reads the bills or laws but one buzz word and it's slam on the brakes and and full attack you know like republicans did back when ACA was first talked about not even put out but it's an abomination and a train wreck.
 The mandate has drawn scores of lawsuits from corporations and other organizations, which complain they are being forced to choose between violating the law or their own religious beliefs. 
The administration and supporters of the law contend that the mandate is both constitutional and needed for women’s health. They note that the regulations exempt churches and do not require religious nonprofit organizations “to contract, arrange, pay, or refer for contraceptive coverage.”
Instead, changes made to the original language shift the responsibility of providing the coverage from the faith-based institutions to their insurance companies or a third-party administrator.
there are IMO 3 reasons this is an issue first Pres. failed to promote the upside, 2nd republicans have lied twisted and misled the people in a divisive way 3rd Pres. again failed to counter those lies on as regular basis as they were told,
now the fickle American voter is undecided on whether to believe what they know deep inside are lies or the fear of more money in an already overloaded economy thanks again to republican obstruction, totally disregarding the fracture health care they were paying for before ACA, enough fault to go around common sense needs to will out.