Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Why Paul Ryan’s Move to Isolate the Ted Cruz Wing of the GOP Could Backfire

Article PhotoRep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has proposed a deal, the basic parameters of which could end the government shutdown. His op-ed in the Wall Street Journal moves to “break the deadlock,” and recommends reforms to America’s growing entitlement burdens in exchange for an increase in the debt ceiling. Ideally, any deal which addresses the debt ceiling will also reopen the government.
Ryan has proposed important and necessary reforms, but conservatives are right to protest. His proposal abandons the GOP’s quest to seek reforms to the Affordable Care Act – ostensibly, the impetus for the shutdown in the first place. 
If the GOP abandons any push for reforming the ACA through this shutdown fight, it will isolate the forces within the party whose actions resulted in the shutdown in the first place. While some may see this as a desirable outcome today, it could have far-reaching ramifications for the stability of the party and its populist appeal in the long run. 
what populist appeal the ones in congress who are carrying the water for this lopsided shutdown that belongs in their pocket not Progressives regardless to their spin, has a favorable rating of 5%,
"This isn't a grand bargain," Ryan wrote in the Wall Street Journal's opinion pages. "For that, we need a complete rethinking of government's approach to helping the most vulnerable, and a complete rethinking of government's approach to health care. But right now, we need to find common ground."
"We need to open the federal government," he continued. "We need to pay our bills today—and make sure we can pay our bills tomorrow. So let's negotiate an agreement to make modest reforms to entitlement programs and the tax code."
looks as though the previous T-P darling has relinquished his position to the new darling who might be headed for a blanket party by his own T-P for going to far. Ryan trying to sound like the voice of reason among the tower of Babel that's going on in mudville will not redeem him and his campaign of lies.
and are they now foes?