Monday, October 21, 2013

The Big Three: GOP Likely To Reject Obama's To-Do List For Congress    

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The morning after Congress acted to re-open the government and avert debt default, President Barack Obama sought to resuscitate his stalled second-term by laying out his top three priorities: a budget agreement, immigration reform and a farm bill.
"Those are three specific things that would make a huge difference in our economy right now," he said in a televised speech. "And we could get them done by the end of the year if our focus is on what's good for the American people."
note these are things that are positive for America so we know right off that they are slim to none on the other side of the street.
#1: Budget Deal. Prognosis: GLOOMY
"The key now is a budget that cuts out the things that we don't need, closes corporate tax loopholes that don't help create jobs, and frees up resources for the things that do help us grow -- like education and infrastructure and research. So that's number one."
#2: Immigration Reform. Prognosis: VERY GRIM
"Number two, we should finish the job of fixing our broken immigration system. There's already a broad coalition across America that's behind this effort of comprehensive immigration reform -- from business leaders to faith leaders to law enforcement. In fact, the Senate has already passed a bill with strong bipartisan support."
#3: Farm Bill. Prognosis: MEDIUM
"Number three, we should pass a farm bill, one that American farmers and ranchers can depend on; one that protects vulnerable children and adults in times of need; one that gives rural communities opportunities to grow and the long-term certainty that they deserve."
those are the Pres.'s goals again all for the betterment of the economy and the people.  
we also know republicans are obstructionist that not only hold the purse strings but the foot that continually kicks the can down the road on any Obama legislation, while trying to blame him for the stagnant economy.