Friday, October 18, 2013

Tea Party raises funds off GOP 'betrayal'

Tea Party groups sought to raise money Thursday after their demands were virtually ignored in the deal to fund the government and avoid default. 
The Tea Party Express and Tea Party Patriots blasted Washington's political establishment and accused both parties of "selling out" the public. 
The Tea Party Patriots were particularly hard on Republicans, arguing that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) "refused to hold the line and fight ObamaCare." 
 rants by confused minds, they want to go into default ruin the economic structure and millions of Americans lives just to punish Pres. for trying to provide health care how dare he look out for the people maybe because that's not the way they interpret looking out for the people do they mean looking out for those who truly have our interest at heart and gerrymandering districts while looking out for Progressive voters to suppress and looking out for women who need contraception and maybe abortion so they can prosecute or have one of their crazies blow the place up or shoot the dr, taking food out of families mouths through food stamp denying?  now that's looking out for the people T-P style.

looks like they also misinterpret betrayal also or is it just selling ot the pblic and betrayal when those they are doing it to fight back.  the only thing the T-Party has shown us is the ugly underbelly of the racist zealots that occupy space in America  and have no idea what the historic Tea Party was all about
they are just showing the world that democracy was never an ideal by half of America even though they were the ones trying to push it on other countries, really just to gain advantage of natural resources or strategic positioning just like here it has never been about the people, just right wing greed and playing out their God Complexes.