Friday, October 18, 2013

Republicans Vow To Block Immigration Reform After Shutdown Fight
House Republicans have been subtly angling for months to quash immigration reform. But aftergetting rolled by Democrats in the spending and shutdown fights, conservatives who call the shots in the chamber are more determined than ever to block an overhaul and imperil President Barack Obama's second-term priority.
The government shutdown fight has given House conservatives a new pretext: Obama refused to deal with us on the debt, so we won't deal with him on immigration reform.
"I know the president has said, well, gee, now this is the time to talk about immigration reform," Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL) told TPM. "He ain't gonna get a willing partner in the House until he actually gets serious about ... his plan to deal with the debt."
And a new talking point: Obama simply wants to use immigration reform to "destroy" the GOP.
this is part of the real reason the main reason IMO they don't want immigration because they favor Progressives and that would be tantamount to just what they've been doing to us stacking the deck but in this case against themselves.  remember Cruz and Rubio the guys that would deliver Hispanics to the republican voter rolls but true to character that lasted a couple of months then they wnt back to suppressing their vote and wanting to electicute those who tried to come illegally/  bottom line they never wanted them here, if you need proof look at what they have abandoned and what they are still doing to alienate, to blaming Pres. for their prejudice's.

do these guys strike you as a bunch of elementary schooler's that lost at marbles now they want to dig up the dirt to ruin the playing field and take their marbles home, they are beyond sour grapes and i think what started off as a effort to pay back the bribe money, but now the T-P has taken it personal do to the Black guy with the big ears in the WH beating them at every turn, five years of malicious skulduggery and they keep walking away with the mud on their face and end up being big disgrace after the Pres. has kicked their can all over the place, they got rocked.