Sunday, October 13, 2013

Prescription drug prices soar: Drug companies thrilled

Article PhotoPerhaps you have noticed; prescription drug prices continue to soar. Last year, generics were up 5.3%.

Brand name drug costs rose 25%.
You remember getting a 25% raise last year at work, don’t you? No? Well, if you want to make more money, you should become a drug company lobbyist. Or a drug company lawyer. Or a drug company CEO.
A story in the New York Times today ought to make your blood boil. But blood pressure medicine isn’t cheap. Not in America. So, try to remain calm while you read, because the pharmaceutical companies are sticking it to you and your representatives in Congress don’t care.
Okay, maybe Ted Cruz, U. S. Senator from Teapartistan, cares. He cares about protecting us from “socialized medicine!”
In the meantime, prescription drug companies are laughing all the way to the bank. (This is probably the same bank that got some “socialized bailout money” from the federal government during the 2008 economic crisis. But I digress.)
this is runaway capitalism, the ACA will reign this in but they will try a milk us for all they can before the implementation, another reason the republicans are trying to get rid of ObamaCares they want the insurance and the drug dealers and the hospitals to get as much as they can at the expense of your health.

High cost of asthma treatment leads to 3,300 unnecessary deaths.

According to the Times, asthma affects 40,000,000 Americans. Luckily, the condition is normally “well controlled with drugs.”
The problem is the cost of treatment. Pulmicort, a steroid inhaler, retails for $175 in the U. S. You could hop a boat and sail to Britain and purchase the same product for $20. Or, if you were British, the National Health Service would give you a free inhaler. The theory, which apparently only makes sense to socialists, is that giving people inhalers beats letting them get sick and end up in hospitals for expensive stays. Or, worse: end up in graveyards.
i have asthma i remember bfore i went on the VA care how much i used to pay for Primatine Mist they prove it everyday the money is in the treatment not the cure, all you nay sayers to ACA hope you can afford what you need to live and don't count on Ryan vouchers.  that would be stupid, oh my bad.