Wednesday, October 16, 2013

'Lying To The American People': House Conservatives Blame Press For Shutdown Surrender

Article PhotoHouse conservatives conjured a familiar bogeyman Wednesday to explain their imminent surrender in the government shutdown fight: the liberal media.
Their tactics weren't to blame. Division with the House GOP conference doesn't account for it. They didn't overreach in aiming to dismantle Obamacare. Rather, it was the press that failed to communicate their message to the American people -- or blatantly misled them.
At a Wednesday briefing, a collection of House conservatives effectively called the attending reporters liars.
"You guys in the media continued reporting that what the conservatives were asking for was the full repeal of Obamacare. That's absolutely false," said Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID), a member of the Republican Study Committee and the point person during the Wednesday briefing.
"We never asked for a full repeal of Obamacare because we can't get that," he said. "We have voted on a full repeal of Obamacare that the Senate has rejected every single time. But what we were asking for, our position from the beginning, was exchanging a one-year CR for a one-year delay of Obamacare. That was something we thought both sides were giving on something."
i really don't have to comment but what you just read that they say liberals were responsible, remember i've written "they do the dirt then try and sweep it on our shoes"  they have told so many lies they can't remember they said "we want to get rid of every letter of Obamacares, Cruz "how about we get rid of the whole thing", why would they want to keep something that is a train wreck and a abomination, all of them have said at one time or another we want to get rid of it how do you say those things and then tell Americans who have been listening they never said all of it, if i title ever fit a story this one's custom made.
House Republicans started the shutdown showdown with a move to defund Obamacare in its entirety -- an effective repeal. When that failed, they pushed for a one-year delay of the law. The lower chamber has also voted separately more than 40 times to repeal part or all of the law. But the House conservatives insisted Wednesday that they always preferred the delay strategy over defund in the shutdown fight.
"Every time you write a story that Republicans and conservatives were unreasonable in asking for a complete repeal of Obamacare, you have actually been lying to the American people because that's not what we were asking for," Labrador said.
they have insulted you your family and everyone you know and called them liars, because their lies trump the truth and you, have they done enough to get those who oppose off the fence and out of that pee stained yard of the GOP,they say when you feel the grass is greener on the other side you're peeing on your lawn.
they paid for their so called autopsy, paid for people to teach them how to talk to Americans and they abandoned all that paid for advice continue to alienate and now calls Americans liars because they just can't seem to be able to handle the truth.